What does it do?

It is a tool for the jiu jitsu player to use to skill up.

How does it work?

All you need to do is select a belt level, then press the "roll" button. Then choose one of those goals to work on. After you complete that goal, head to the "list" page and check it off. That's it!

Why will this help me?

Every high level black belt I have spoken to has said almost the same thing when asked this question, "How do I get better, faster?" By setting small attainable goals. This app is designed to give you suggestions on what your goals could be, for a specific belt rank. Once you attain those goals, and check them off, it sets the user up to have better/more intelligent conversations with their teammates and coaches. Also, you'll have a visual representation of what you've been working on and how far you've come!

I don't know what this goal means!

That's ok. Ask your coach or a a higher level belt.

How do I unselect something in the list menu?

Tap, hold, then release.

DISCLAIMER- Currently this is not a tool for instruction. It is a tool for the user to choose goals and then complete them.